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At Milton Mount we are SCIENTISTS! We seek to inspire our next generation of young scientists with opportunities for awe, wonder and excitement in the world around them by ensuring enquiry-based curriculum coverage in a safe, hands-on, relevant and well-resourced way that provides challenge, support and progress for all.

Our curriculum starts in the Early Years Foundation Stage focusing on Understanding the World area of learning and continues through to Year 6, following the National curriculum content guidance.

Do More

The curriculum is structured and sequenced so that all children actively engage in exploration-based lessons. Our aim is to plan, create and teach exciting lessons that include children engaging with science in a variety of ways, for example, investigating questions, observing, communicating and working within a team to evolve the whole child as a lifelong learner.

Know More

Science is planned for and taught in line with the National Curriculum, whilst utilising ‘Developing Experts’ to ensure pupils knowledge is systematically built upon each year. We aim to provide lessons are rooted in scientific vocabulary, consolidate prior knowledge and encourage deeper understanding.

Remember More

Sticky starters are used at the start of each lesson, allowing children to recall previously taught knowledge and information. Three questions are asked: one from the previous week, one from the previous unit (term) and one from the previous year. This enables children to bring previous knowledge into current learning, helping them to make connections within the world around them.

Experience More

Use of our school’s outdoor learning facilities and cross-curricular links with forest schools will encourage our young scientists to apply and deepen their curiosity and learning in a range of contexts. Opportunities to reflect on, discuss, present and question the results of their lessons and investigations will allow them to take their place among the articulate, problem-solving, critical thinkers our school and the world of science beyond require.

Consider more

By doing, knowing, remembering and experiencing more, children at Milton Mount will have gathered a scientific perspective of the world around them. They will be able to make links and connections across scientific concepts as well as be able to pose and investigate their own generated questions.


Early Years Foundation Stage

In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), teaching is planned through adult supported teaching and learning. Weekly opportunities to informally develop children’s understanding of the world through child-initiated activities and routines are capitalised upon.

Key Stage 1 and 2

In Key Stage 1 (KS1) and 2 (KS2), teaching follows the National Curriculum. This involves weekly Science lessons and where appropriate, pre/ post teaching sessions / target groups. We use the National Curriculum framework and Developing Experts to support planning for progression within Science units of work.

Long term plans map out the units to be covered each term, during each key stage and class.

Medium term plans identify learning objectives and outcomes for each unit, as well as indicating the working scientifically skills being taught. These also identify resources and appropriate differentiation and are carefully planned for progression and depth.

Planning and progression for each key stage and year group follows the Developing Experts model. Planning involves teachers creating engaging lessons, involving high-quality resources to aid understanding of conceptual knowledge. Teachers use precise questioning to test conceptual knowledge and skills, and assess children regularly to identify those children with gaps in learning, so that all children make progress.

Teachers create a positive attitude to science learning within their classrooms and reinforce an expectation that all children are capable of achieving high standards in science. Our approach to the teaching and learning of science involves;

Structure of a lesson

  1. We build upon previous learning and skill development. As our children’s knowledge and understanding increases, they become more proficient in selecting and using scientific equipment, collating and interpreting results and become increasingly confident in their growing ability to reach evidence-based conclusions.
  2. Introduction of key concepts with opportunities for talk, exploration and identifying the working scientifically skill for the lesson. Working scientifically skills are embedded into lessons to ensure these skills are developed throughout our children’s school career. New vocabulary and concepts for each science topic are introduced through direct teaching and knowledge organisers.
  3. Task – independent / paired / group. Practical investigations account for approximately half of lesson time and are used where appropriate to enhance children’s working scientifically skills alongside their understanding of key concepts. Problem solving opportunities that allow children to find out for themselves. Children are encouraged to ask their own questions and given opportunities to use their scientific skills and research to discover the answers. This curiosity is celebrated within the classroom.
  4. Plenary/reflection with assessment for learning opportunities and the chance for children to reflect on their learning.

Throughout our Science lessons we use a metacognitive approach to teaching and learning which involves:

· Explicitly teaching metacognitive strategies - activating prior knowledge, independent practice and structured reflection.

· Modelling by staff, verbalising their thinking and scaffolding tasks.

· Setting an appropriate level of challenge.

· Promoting and developing metacognitive talk in the classroom – language development and acquisition.

· Explicitly teaching children how to organise and effectively manage their learning resources.

· Each class has a Science working wall which will display key vocabulary, progression within the unit and examples of children’s work throughout the unit of learning.

•Teachers modelling how to use scientific equipment and Working Scientifically skills in order to embed scientific understanding. Teachers find opportunities to develop children’s understanding of their surroundings by accessing outdoor learning whenever possible;

•Children are offered a range of extra-curricular activities, visits, trips and visitors to complement and broaden the curriculum. These are purposeful and link with the knowledge taught in class;

•Regular events such as Science Week allow all pupils to come off-timetable, provide broader provision and allow for the acquisition and application of knowledge and skills.


We aim for our learners to become enthusiastic, knowledgeable young scientists who are eager to take their learning to the next level and to begin to open their eyes to the world of opportunity for careers in the many fields that science offers.

Assessment is continuous. From the beginning of every lesson, teachers will be assessing what their pupils are, or are not understanding and use this to scaffold each segment of the lesson. Target groups will be both planned for and ‘live’, meaning that misconceptions are dealt with immediately and high attaining pupils are challenged appropriately. Pre/ post teaching where appropriate ensures that all children can achieve conceptual understanding.

Foundation Stage

· Staff’s ongoing observational assessments ascertain a baseline when each child begins EYFS which then informs subsequent teaching and learning for each child.

· Future attainment is noted using photographs and observational notes. Progress is recorded in each child’s Learning Journey and the next steps to be taken are identified. Progress is monitored termly.

KS1 and KS2

 · In weekly Science lessons, formative assessments are made. Teachers observe, question and evaluate lesson outcomes to further determine progress made and the next steps in learning.

· Pre-assessments are made at the beginning of a unit of work and are used to inform starting points for teaching sequences. Pre-assessments consider the prior learning children have had within repeated units of work. Post assessments take place at the end of a unit to ensure children retain the knowledge they have learnt.

 · Working Scientifically skills are interwoven into lessons across the unit of work. Teachers assess Science against the curriculum progression document and make a summative judgement using Arbor.

· Children’s attainment is tracked during each unit of work against the NC learning objectives for knowledge and skills.

· Progress is analysed termly by the subject leader and key areas of focus are identified and shared with staff.

Monitoring procedures

The Headship team and Science subject leader play a central role in the monitoring and evaluation of the quality of teaching and learning of Science in the school.

The monitoring strategy:  

1. Children’s work and planning scrutinies are conducted.

2. Pupil voice is conducted termly within Science.

3. Lesson ‘drop ins’ and observations take place in all classes throughout the year. The subject leader is responsible for monitoring attainment and progress, the outcomes of which are collated in the subject leadership folder and fed back to staff at an appropriate time.