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Children need to be in school to be able to learn and to reach their full potential.

Regular, punctual attendance sets good habits for their future lives and is important for a child’s socialisation.

We expect children to achieve at least 97% attendance during the school year. Each day’s absence equates to 2 absence marks.

Medical and holiday absences reduce your child’s total attendance.

Children are at school for 190 days per year. This leaves 175 days for holidays, treats, etc.

Medical Appointment

Please arrange these outside of school time if possible.


Please do not send your child to school if they have been sick or have a temperature. If you are unsure whether your child should be in school please speak to our Medical Room Assistant. Please contact the school on the first day of absence, by telephone to 01293 537158, by email to or by using the Studybugs App

If we have not heard from you on the first day of absence, we will contact you.

Family holidays

Under Government regulations, which come into effect on 1st September 2013, headteachers are no longer permitted to authorise any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional and/or unavoidable circumstances. It is anticipated that such situations will be rare and any requests must clearly demonstrate why the circumstances are exceptional/unavoidable and can only be undertaken in term time.

Any periods of leave which are taken will therefore be classed as unauthorised and absences of 5 or more days will be subject to a Fixed Penalty Notice fine. A guide about these fines is attached below. As per our attendance policy, if a child is marked off with illness at the beginning or end of a time of unauthorised absence for holiday, we reserve the right to class this as unauthorised absence unless there is proof of travel arrangements or medical appointments.

Please discuss all plans for absence in advance with the Headteacher.

Attached files: