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As a Rights Respecting School we work hard to promote and respect the Rights of the Child which is outlined in the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child.

We were delighted to be re-accredited with UNICEF’s Gold Award in July 2024.

At Milton Mount, we ensure that the children understand the ABCDE of Rights and how the Rights of the Child links with British Values.

For more information about the UN convention please follow this link

Please see below for the Rights Respecting School Gold Award report.


This group is made up of children and adults. It leads the school in learning about children’s rights as set out in the United Nations Convention for the Rights of the Child (UNCRC.) This lays out for governments the rights of every child in the world. The Articles of the Convention say what every child needs to be able to grow up happy, healthy, and safe.

The Rights Respecting Reps meet regularly on Mondays and work hard on a variety of projects. They have chosen and mapped the Articles of the Fortnight for the school year, helped plan a special Rocking Rights Day, launched, and judged a Rocking Rights poster competition and are currently working on a campaign to make walking to and from school safer for our pupils.


We have put the UNCRC at the heart of our school ethos and policies to ensure that all our pupils have the opportunity to become active and empowered global citizens. Teaching the children about their rights encourages them to treat each other respectfully and enriches their learning behaviour.  Our behaviour policy is based on the school’s Golden Rights.


The children learn about the CRC in many different ways. We have PSHE lessons every week which link directly with the CRC and British Values. The children also attend assemblies about their rights and participate in special focus activities such as Rocking Rights Day.  The staff also work hard to teach the children about the CRC through their topics.

At the start of every year, the class work together to learn about the UNCRC and use the articles to make a class charter.

Ensuring that our children grow up to be active global citizens is a key priority of ours.  Through assemblies and class discussions, we ensure that they know about current issues from the world around them and how they can make a difference.  They write letters to campaign, learn about activism through art and create campaigns for change.  Each year, each year group plan and carry out a fundraising activity for a charity of the children’s choice. 


Click the links below to see the leaflet which was designed by the Rocking Rights Reps and to view a PowerPoint which was shared at one of our recent parent forums.

A Guide to Rights Respecting Schools