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Please find below our knowledge organiser for the summer term:

Every Thursday the children will be set home learning on class dojo and this will need to be completed by the following Thursday by 9:00am. This will include:

Vocabulary: Practise the definitions of the words and use them in sentences. Upload your sentences on class dojo.

Spelling: Use the following website to practise your spellings ready for your test each Friday. Spelling Frame

Reading: Read for at least 15 minutes every day and record your reading on the reading diary page. Remember to upload to Class Dojo. Complete your accelerated reader tests every time you finish a book. (Search by Author, not title)

Maths: Practise your times tables on TT Rock Stars for at least 30 minutes per week. Garage and Sound Check are the most important games to play.

Meet the Team

Welcome to Year Four (Key Stage 2).
There are 3 classes in Year Four; Beech, Hazel and Chestnut.

Team Leader Mrs D Oliver (Hazel)
Teachers Mr B Dempster (Chestnut)
Mrs D Oliver (Hazel)
Mr N Parsons (Beech)
Teaching Assistants Mrs L Rowe-Swaine, Miss I Iqbal

What We Have Been Up To

Here you will find all the exciting things we have been up to recently.