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In Reception, we aim to make the transition into school as seamless as possible and work closely with parents and carers to share their child’s learning journey and progress. Through our carefully planned provision opportunities the children are supported and challenged while learning through play. Our child centred holistic approach ensures that all children develop a love of learning. This includes making friends, exploring nature, dress up days, visiting the woods, cooking, mysteries to solve, experiencing new things that build on our prime areas of development and most importantly – having fun!


In Reception, home learning takes the form of reading or sharing books with your child five times per week. We will send new books home every Friday and you can access Bug Club to read online books that match your child's phonics knowledge. 

Every week, we will send you a 'This Week in EYFS' newsletter which will give you ideas of activities you could complete at home to support your child's learning at school. These include a maths, literacy, recipe to try, what to look for on a nature walk and some self-care ideas too.

Meet the Team

Welcome to Reception (Early Years).
There are 3 classes in Reception: Owlets, Ducklings and Goslings.

Team Leader Mrs L O'Connor
Teachers Mrs L O'Connor (Goslings)
Mrs S Ward (Owlets)
Mrs N Thomas (Owlets)
Mrs J Searles (Goslings)
Miss S Newman (Ducklings)
Teaching Assistants Mrs J Milligan
Mrs E Ogden
Mrs K Selby
Miss S Staples-Attah
Miss A Donnelly

What We Have Been Up To

Here you will find all the exciting things we have been up to recently.