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Please find below our knowledge organiser for the spring term:

Homework will be set by 4pm on a Thursday and the children have until Wednesday evening to complete it. Any children who haven’t completed it, will be expected to do so during golden time.

  • Maths: 30mins minimum per week on Times Tables Rock Stars (ttrockstars)
  • Reading: 15mins per day. Children must complete a quiz on accelerated reader once they have finished their book.
  • Spellings: to be practised during the week ready for the spelling quiz in class on Friday.

Meet the Team

Welcome to Year Six (Key Stage 2).
There are 3 classes in Year Six; Silver Birch, Mountain Ash and Field Maple.

Team Leader Mrs T Groves (Silver Birch)
Teachers Mrs R Dando (Field Maple)
Mrs R Warwick (Mountain Ash)
Mrs T Groves (Silver Birch)
Mr B Overton (Silver Birch)
Mr B Overton (Mountain Ash)
Teaching Assistants Mrs M Wainhouse
Miss S Powell

What We Have Been Up To

Here you will find all the exciting things we have been up to recently.